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Welcome to CSE Roadmap, your one-stop resource for navigating the exciting world of Computer Science Engineering! Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps or a seasoned student seeking to solidify your foundation, we've crafted a roadmap to guide you through the essential knowledge and skills needed to excel in this dynamic field.

CSE Roadmap Timeline Structure

Year 1(Fundamentals)

Introduction to Programming (3 months)

Learn basic programming concepts (variables, data types, loops, functions)

Master a beginner-friendly programming language (e.g., Python, Java)

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Year 2 (Core Subjects)

Object-Oriented Programming (4 months)

Master object-oriented principles (classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism)

Develop applications using an object-oriented programming language (e.g., C++, Java)

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Year 3 (Specialization)

Choose a specialization track (e.g., Web Development, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity)

Focus on in-depth learning within your chosen track through courses, projects, and certifications

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Year 4 (Project Development)

Apply your acquired knowledge and skills to build real-world projects

Work on personal or collaborative projects to showcase your abilities

Consider contributing to open-source projects to gain practical experience

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Upcoming Events

Explore Github

Date: December 15, 2023

Virtual: Google Meet

Location: DIU Campus

DjangoCon Dhaka 2023

Date: November 29, 2023

Location: Mahafuj Tower

Meet Our Expert People

Our Experts are very dedicated. Hard work and motivate to serve people, they can tech and learn new tecnologies.

Mahafuj Ahamed

Web Developer

Founder of CSE ROADMAP

Rakib Al Hassan

Software Engineer

Co-Founder of CSE ROADMAP

Mst. Sumaiya

Content Writer

Event Manager of CSE ROADMAP

MD. Abir Hossain

SEO Expert

Content Writer of CSE ROADMAP

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Boost your Github knowledge

Github is Source Control, that means yuor code or projects storage. You can easily contribute, modarate, contribution and many more things.


Mahafuj Ahamed

Founder of CSE Roadmap

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Do you know Web Tecnologies

Web development that means you create webpages, develop pages.So you can create website to use html, css and javascript.


Rakib Al Hassan

writer of CSE Roadmap

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Programmers Guidline

As a programmer can develop and problem solve to software.Programmers write code everyday, that take solution in defferent way.


Mahamudul Hasan

Writer of CSE Roadmap

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